Tagged: Platformer


Nightmare Boy (Switch NSP)

Nightmare Boy throws a whole heap of platform-adventure ideas at the wall, but only a few of them manage to stick. It’s a Metroidvania with a distinctive style all of...


N++ (Switch NSP)

Bags of levels and increasing difficulty will keep N++ refreshing for hours and days on end. The mechanics are simple and yet incredibly deep, which opens up a wonderful game...


Membrane (Switch NSP)

Membrane is a polished, tight and smartly designed single-room physics puzzle platformer wrapped around a unique audio/visual retro bubble. We haven’t been so pleasantly surprised with a game of the...


Mecho Tales (Switch NSP)

While Mecho Tales looks to be a loving homage at first blush, upon further inspection that it’s actually just aping its inspirations instead of integrating them into something refreshing or...


Maria the Witch (Switch NSP)

Cute visuals can’t prevent Maria the Witch from being anything other than an incredibly lazy port of an already mediocre and generic mobile clone. A derivative, boring and regularly frustrating...


Unruly Heroes (Switch NSP)

Unruly Heroes is an action-adventure game inspired by the famous chinese legend ‘A journey to the west’ better known as the Monkey King Legend. Through this epic adventure, the game...