Tagged: Platformer


Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (3DS)

Controlled by a group of evil Tikis, the animals in Donkey Kong Island have raided Donkey Kong’s Banana Hoard and stolen his stash of bananas and he understandably wants them...


Cave Story+ (Switch XCI)

It’s possible to beat Cave Story+ in a few short hours, but multiple endings combined with choices that can’t be repeated make for excellent replayability. Over the course of this...


Wonder Boy The Dragon’s Trap (XCI)

Wonder Boy The Dragon’s Trap It’s clear that the team at Lizardcube are massive fans of the original Wonder Boy III, and that affection translates into what is without a...


VVVVVV – eShop (3DS CIA)

There’s something terrible wrong in an alternate dimension! Help Captain Viridian flip to find five crew members, 20 hard-to-reach Trinkets and save a dimension on the brink of destruction. It’s...


Woah Dave! – eShop (3DS CIA)

Woah Dave! is a frantic, score-chasing arcade game where players gun for digital glory by destroying monsters, stealing their loose change, and triggering more than enough explosions to deplete the...


Xeodrifter – eShop (3DS CIA)

Xeodrifter is the story of an interstellar drifter traveling the stars on a simple mission of exploration. We join our nomad as he embarks on the investigation of a small...