Tagged: Platformer


The Mooseman (Switch NSP)

If you’re the type to burn through the Louvre in an hour and wait for your companions in the cafe, The Mooseman may well try your patience. If you’re more...


Tetra’s Escape (Switch NSP)

If you’re looking for a family-friendly puzzle/platformer that offers a mixture of quick satisfaction and gradually building difficulty, Tetra’s Escape will certainly appeal. Its soundtrack, graphical style and general presentation...


Teslagrad (Switch NSP)

From the moment Teslagrad begins you are instantly filled with the feeling that you are about to play something pretty special. The world around you is truly beautiful and the...


Tallowmere (Switch NSP)

Tallowmere is a solid budget roguelike that offers approachable yet deep combat and a fantastic amount of replayability, at the cost of becoming stale with time due to repetition. Although...