Tagged: Action


Zombie Hill Race (Custom XCI)

Zombie Hill Race The apocalypse has come! Zombies roam the country and escape is almost impossible. The only option is to find a car and make your way through the...


Zoids Wild Blast Unleashed (Custom XCI)

Zoids Wild Blast Unleashed is a button-mashy, overly simplistic fighter that’s aimed at young kids but doesn’t even manage to lift its game enough to satisfy a junior audience on...


Toolboy (Custom XCI)

The story of a repair robot who, instead of going to a speedball match on a nearby planet on a free weekend, has to come to work to repair the...


They Bleed Pixels (Custom XCI)

Featuring a distinct visual style that blends pixel art with paper and ink textures, They Bleed Pixels is a singular mix of intense platforming and fierce beat-em-up action. It tells...


The Last Campfire + Update (Custom XCI)

The Last Campfire is an unusually freeform puzzle adventure that stuffs its six-hour playtime with conundrums of every kind. While a few puzzle designs deserve more time in the spotlight...


Smashing The Battle + Update (Custom XCI)

Smashing The Battle In the year 2085 a huge multiplex construction site has become victim of a massive scale hacking incident and the construction robots have started attacking the workers...


Pumpkin Jack + Update (Custom XCI)

Pumpkin Jack is an absolute triumph. For a debut title, it’s remarkably confident in its vision, delivering a delightfully spooky experience that feels very familiar to MediEvil without outright copying...