Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition with the PlayStation Move is more than just hitting the ball it’s about the angle of the racquet, the spin and speed of the ball and the power of the shot. The advanced motion sensors of PlayStation Move precisely track both the fast and subtle movements of the controller allowing for pinpoint accurate shots as players improve their racquet skills. Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition will also support 3D technology delivering unprecedented realism to the tennis experience, bringing you closer than ever to being out on the court.The world’s top tennis stars are coming to PSVita System in Virtua Tennis 4. Virtua Tennis 4 on the PSVita System offers a full HD console experience in the palm of your hand, plus some exciting new features using the unique PSVita System capabilities.Virtua Tennis as we’ve come to know and love it… with very well-implemented touch controls. A must have for Vita owners with a passion for tennis.