Tagged: Switch


Pokémon Violet + Update (Switch XCI)

There are still plenty more ways we’d like to see the Pokémon franchise evolve, but Pokémon Violet & Scarlet has us excited about the series’ future. We really hope Game...


Opus Castle (Switch XCI)

It’s a 3D horror, adventure and mysterious game with a narrative based on the real tragic history of the little castle on Apa Street, located in the city of Sao...


Kaiju Wars + Update (Switch XCI)

If you’re a fan of tight strategy games that don’t take themselves too seriously, Kaiju Wars is a short but well-balanced title that sees you defending your homeland from giant...


Guntech 2 (Switch XCI)

Utopos Space Station was the new hope for humans. It failed. Never underestimate human greed. Your job is to clean up the mess. Fight alien life forms, rescue scientists, deliver...