Tagged: Survival


Zombie Survival (Switch XCI)

Zombie Survival When an apocalypse begins, making the right decisions is crucial to survive. Choose between 4 different characters and discover their stories throughout this terrifying game.Be careful, all the...


Zombie Survival (Switch NSP)

Zombie Survival When an apocalypse begins, making the right decisions is crucial to survive. Choose between 4 different characters and discover their stories throughout this terrifying game.Be careful, all the...


Undead’s Building (Switch XCI)

Undead’s Building is a game built around using an elevator to save people from zombies in different buildings and garages. While there are only seven levels to play, this title...


Blair Witch (Switch XCI)

Blair Witch strongest aspect — its eerie woodland setting — is perfect for a focused, streamlined, horror experience. Unfortunately, that’s not what this game is, and the superfluous, gimmicky gameplay...


Blair Witch (Switch NSP)

Blair Witch strongest aspect — its eerie woodland setting — is perfect for a focused, streamlined, horror experience. Unfortunately, that’s not what this game is, and the superfluous, gimmicky gameplay...


Toriko Ultimate Survival (3DS CIA)

Toriko Ultimate Survival is an Action game, developed by NATSUME ATARI Inc. and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in 2013.Toriko Ultimate Survival for Nintendo 3DS...