Tagged: Adventure


Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch XCI)

Fire Emblem Warriors Despite their enduring fame and commercial success the Musou games have, in the past, come dangerously close to self-parody, and it’s easy to see why critics of...


Batman The Telltale Series (Switch XCI)

If you’re a fan of Batman The Telltale Series and don’t mind the style of Telltale’s episodic point-and-click games this title is worth checking out. Despite its underwhelming technical performance...


Fe (Switch NSP)

Poignant and moving in both theme and execution, Fe is one of the most unique platformers on Nintendo Switch. Its platforming can be a little hit and miss, and its...


A Robot Named Fight (Switch NSP)

The comparisons to Nintendo’s much-loved Metroid franchise might seem excessive, but A Robot Named Fight makes little effort to differentiate itself from the source material it has been inspired by....