Castle of Heart (Switch NSP)
Castle of Heart looks great and offers a stern challenge to those who don’t mind repeatedly playing the same level over and over before finally beating it and moving on....
Castle of Heart looks great and offers a stern challenge to those who don’t mind repeatedly playing the same level over and over before finally beating it and moving on....
Bouncy Bob attempts to demonstrate how a simple idea of a one-button control mechanic can be fun and accessible. But it’s met with shortfalls aplenty. Rather than being an attractive...
Bombslinger is a decent game, but its brutal and unforgiving difficulty is sure to turn many potential buyers off. Building up a character with abilities, items, and weapons is engaging...
There’s nothing particularly revolutionary about Bomb Chicken, it’s enjoyable predominantly because of its classic approach and how refined each aspect of the game is including the core bomb-laying mechanic. Each...
Blossom Tales The Sleeping King Judging a game on its own merits is very important. However, when a title happens to borrow just about every aspect of its design from...
SNK’s The Super Spy is an impressive looking game for its time, providing first-person action as you work through floors of terrorists, fighting your way to victory. Slow walking speed...
Great visual design, varied levels and a number of different enemies make Spin Master an enjoyable game to play through. It can be cleared very quickly, but limiting your credits...
Shock Troopers may not add much to the top-down run-and-gun genre but it’s enjoyable while it lasts. The visuals weren’t particularly awe-inspiring back in 1997, but everything moves at a...
Sengoku 3 ditches the nifty character-switching ability of the previous instalments, but makes up for it with a wide-array of attacking options. Gameplay remains straightforward, but it’s immensely satisfying to...
Sengoku 2 is quite similar to the first game in the series, but by upping the pace of combat it makes things a lot more enjoyable and making all characters...