Tagged: Action


Titan Quest (Switch NSP)

A certain historical perspective and a touch of nostalgia will go a long way to helping you appreciate Titan Quest and its quirks. That core loop of killing satyrs in...


Time Recoil (Switch NSP)

Time Recoil feels like the most refined of 10tons’ three top-down shooter titles on Switch, and while initial frustration and slightly unspectacular visuals are drawbacks, it is the crux of...


Tied Together (Switch NSP)

Tied Together One fine day a bunch of scientists created four tiny monsters. But for what? To test their cooperation skills of course. So they tied them together to a...


Thumper (Switch NSP)

Thumper is a fantastic video game, an extravagant rhythm experience that’s also a brutal assault on the senses. It’s extremely difficult, painfully so at times, yet we feel the need...


The Outer Worlds (Switch NSP)

The Outer Worlds is a hugely entertaining “Fallout-in-space”-style RPG adventure filled with wonderfully vibrant locations, excellent companions, zippy and hilariously brutal combat and a ton of well-written characters to meet...