Unchained Blades (3DS)
Unchained Blades follows the story of the dragon emperor, Fang, who after being stripped of his powers by the goddess Clunea, embarks on a journey for revenge and to regain...
Unchained Blades follows the story of the dragon emperor, Fang, who after being stripped of his powers by the goddess Clunea, embarks on a journey for revenge and to regain...
Unchained Blades follows the story of the dragon emperor, Fang, who after being stripped of his powers by the goddess Clunea, embarks on a journey for revenge and to regain...
LEGO City Undercover The Chase Begins is a prequel to the Wii U game, and follows the exploits of Chase McCain as a rookie cop in the still-growing and developing...
Based on the hit animated show, The Legend of Korra A New Era Begins for Nintendo 3DS is a turn-based strategy game that will focus on tactically maneuvering Korra and...
Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3.In the Story Mode, players control either a uniquely customized character or one of the much loved, historically-inspired Samurai. Stories and lives unfold in multiple ways offering...
Unlock Your Inner Megaforce! For as long as evil has threatened the Earth, there have been teams of Power Rangers sworn to protect it. The Power Rangers Megaforce are the...
Code Name S.T.E.A.M. (Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace) is strategy-RPG / shooter hybrid project in the works for Nintendo by Intelligent Systems. The game’s story follows an initiative put...
The game surpasses its predecessor in terms of both graphical quality and the amount of content. Dragon Ball Heroes Ultimate Mission X This will contain 3300 cards and 36 mission...
The iconic ‘blue blur,’ Sonic the Hedgehog, races once again in Sonic Boom Fire & Ice Building off of the highly successful animated series, the game will introduce more adventure,...
In the sequel to the original world-crossing RPG adventure, legendary characters from Japan’s most prolific video game publishers come together to create the biggest mash-up strategy game ever! Project X...