Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 (Decrypted 3DS Rom)
Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3.In the Story Mode, players control either a uniquely customized character or one of the much loved, historically-inspired Samurai. Stories and lives unfold in multiple ways offering numerous resolutions to large scale battles and multiple endings affected by the players’ choices, actions, and affiliations.The legend of the samurai comes to life like never before with immersive battles featuring 3D graphics Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 takes the fan favorite series into uncharted territory with 3D graphics and new gameplay improvements that will bring this franchise to the next level. In the game, players will be able to change control between four different warriors on the fly, easily switching between characters by touching the Nintendo 3DS touch panel. Teamwork is a key focal point of the game, as the secret to success lies in positioning your team on the battlefield wisely. There are also friendship levels between the various characters that will ultimately guide where the story goes and how battles play out, so helping others has its rewards. Samurai Warriors Chronicles is set to help usher in the Nintendo 3DS by providing tactical action like you’ve never seen! Through deep combat, multiple branching storylines and a living 3D battlefield.Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3
Release Date : June 30, 2015
Genre : Action
Publisher : Tecmo KOEI
Developer : Tecmo KOEI
Region : JAP
Platform(s) : Nintendo 3DS
Mode(s) : Single-player?Multiplayer
File Type : Decrypted 3DS Rom
Rom Size : 2.80 GB
Rar Size : 1.62 GB
Rar Password :
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