Category: Switch eShop (NSP)


CastleStorm (Switch NSP)

CastleStorm is a wonderfully well-rounded package that offers up enjoyable RTS gameplay in an approachable fashion, with a high skill ceiling that caters to players of all skill and interest...


Bouncy Bob (Switch NSP)

Bouncy Bob attempts to demonstrate how a simple idea of a one-button control mechanic can be fun and accessible. But it’s met with shortfalls aplenty. Rather than being an attractive...


Bombslinger (Switch NSP)

Bombslinger is a decent game, but its brutal and unforgiving difficulty is sure to turn many potential buyers off. Building up a character with abilities, items, and weapons is engaging...


Bomber Crew (Switch NSP)

Despite its unyielding nature and curiously juxtaposing approach to its characters, Bomber Crew is a sometimes thrilling and constantly rewarding title. Favouring roguelite progression, strategy and resource management over frantic...


Bomb Chicken (Switch NSP)

There’s nothing particularly revolutionary about Bomb Chicken, it’s enjoyable predominantly because of its classic approach and how refined each aspect of the game is including the core bomb-laying mechanic. Each...