Johnny Kung Fu is an old school action game that fuses gameplay styles from different time periods.Combat diversity is criminally poor as well; while it’s possible to unlock new moves over time there is no retention between games, so every time you boot it up you have to slug through the same dozen or so stages until something moderately interesting happens. There really isn’t any good reason either why Johnny can’t perform an uppercut from the get-go — it’s not like he has to lobotomise a Robot Master to figure out how to punch in an upward trajectory — and while withholding serves its purpose of maintaining a sense of progression, ultimately it just gets in the way of the long-term game. Johnny Kung Fu is about as proficient at its craft as that guy who accidentally nunchuk’d his face on the internet. Playing it is a lot like shuffling between a bunch of terrible Tiger LCD games at a rapid pace: sure, you get some gaming diversity, but at the cost of a miniature existential crisis. It’s entirely possible that one day UFO Interactive will crack the code of a genuinely interesting game, but with a sense of humor about as basic as its mechanics — which is to say incredibly so — Johnny Kung Fu still has a ways to go.
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