Draw Slasher (PSVITA VPK)
Draw Slasher is a survival action game in which you take control of a cute ninja fighting against Pirate Monkey Zombies. These monsters invade your peaceful island, and you are the only one, who can stop them! Here’s what it ultimately comes down to, I guess: Draw Slasher is a fun game, and I’d encourage you to play it, but only if you’re paying the lowest price possible. If you do literally all your mobile gaming on your Vita, then by all means, buy it and enjoy. If you have an iDevice, though…you might want to think about just how much Trophies mean to you, and make your decision from there.
Release Date : April 23, 2013
Genre : Action
Publisher : Gamelion Studios
Developer : Gamelion Studios
Region : USA
IGN Rating : 6.4(Okay)
Platform(s) : PSVITA
Mode(s) : Single-player
Minimum firmware : 3.60 (Henkaku)
Title ID : PCSE00224
File Type : VPK
VPK Size : 495 MB
Rar Size : 324 MB
Rar Password : madloader.com